Why Leaders Should Learn About Mental Health
For a long time, discussion about mental health has remained largely sidelined to hushed private conversations. That is beginning to change as more and more public figures are honest about…
It’s Time to Redesign Your Discipleship Process
Having a strong discipleship process that leads into a progressive leadership pipeline is vital to the health of any church and its long-term effectiveness in the community it sits in.…
Be Innovative with these 3 Idea-Generating Tools
This new year has all the opportunity to be different. The question is, how are you going to make it different? Creating change, momentum, and energy requires ideas of innovation…
Creating a Christ-Centered Christmas
In a time of heightened commercialism, how do we maintain a Christ-Centered Christmas experience? Introduction It’s Christmas!!! Well, technically it is Christmas Eve but the holiday event is here. Today,…
Jesus the Leader and How He Influenced Others
Leadership is something for business executives, politicians, and managers, right? What if I told you that leadership is a central theme throughout scripture and that Jesus focused on his own…
Create Next Level Guest Follow-Up
Introduction Your guest follow-up process may be the most vital system you have in your church. But, which part of the process is the key? I can tell you it…
The Secret Sauce of Small Groups
When we create small group systems we want them to give life, create relationships, and grow people in ways that add value to them. Sometimes, though, despite our best efforts,…
Design Small Groups People Actually Want to Attend
You have heard that in order to grow bigger you need to grow smaller, that you need to build small groups to create community, and that Millennials are looking for…
Straws and Glass
Recently I was carrying a box of stuff on my shoulder to put away, and from the more unstable top of the box, a glass container full of stirring straws…
How to Create a Transformational Church
Being a transformational church where God is moving through the lives of its people is an exhilarating experience. So, how do you navigate the many doors to create cultural change…