Acuff’s Narrative Intelligence
For a transformational leader, follower compliance is not a sufficient end goal, rather it is more vital there is a shift in the beliefs, needs, and values of followers which…
Lead From Vision
Introduction Vision is an empowering tool if utilized properly by leaders and can propel an individual from being an average leader to being a great leader (Malaska and Holstius, 1999,…
Lead From Vision
Introduction Vision is an empowering tool if utilized properly by leaders and can propel an individual from being an average leader to being a great leader (Malaska and Holstius, 1999,…
Ethical Egoism is Archaic Leadership
A large portion of contemporary leadership material focuses on the growth and development of followers as a means to insure success for the organization, however the practical application of leadership…
Mentoring with Storytelling
Mentoring and storytelling are effective forms of communication for any organization to adopt in order to increase growth, build morale, and develop relationships. An organization that intentionally incorporates storytelling as…
Paul’s Call to Imitation, Was It Self-Serving?
In First Corinthians 11:1, Paul encourages the believers to be imitators of him as he seeks to imitate Jesus. This may seem like a veiled form of self-promotion, but it…
End of the Virtuous Road
The development of one’s virtue and character is not a destination to arrive at, but an ongoing process never truly completed. Early Greek philosophers saw character central to a life…
Storytelling for Global Leaders
Globalization is one of the primary factors that have led to change the traditional boundaries between government and business (Wolnicki, 2010, p. 477). Globalization has made the world full of…
Value of Virtue and Character for Leaders
Philippians 4:8 instructs “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything…
Ethical Decision Making
Douglas McArthur is quoted saying, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.…