Starting to Understand Twitter
Developing a social media strategy can be challenging for anyone, particularly for those who are outside of the Generation Y demographic. For those who are seeing to build an audience…
Governor Jindal’s Use of Social Media in Crisis
Leading through a crisis is a task any leader could be thrust into, but one that most leaders desire to avoid. Part of the challenge of leading through crisis is…
Using Social Media During Crisis
Crisis management may be the most demanding task of leadership due to the number of fronts leaders must oversee: attempting to minimize damage, calm concerns and fears of followers, and…
Leaders Need to Embrace Social Media
Social media is a new element of organizational existence proving to be too strong of a current for leaders to stop, so many are choosing to learn to harness it…
Consensus in Virtuous Leadership
Over the course of the last one hundred plus years of leadership study, the number of ways to finish the sentence “Leadership is…” is as numerous as the number of…
3D Virtuous Living
Aristotle dreamed of a world where humans would learn the virtues necessary to exercise leadership within the political order of Greece (Wright, 2010, p. 89). This led him to an…
Bush’s 9/11 Address
Moments of crisis can be defining for a leader. It is vital for a leader to respond to crisis with clarity, strength, and clear direction. In recent history, there is…
Build Your Virtues
Being an ethical leader is not something that naturally happens, and the global scale of unethical behavior and decisions by organizational leaders reveals this truth (Rossy, 2011, p. 35). Leaders…
Leaders Need to Use Social Media
Communication is a skill of great importance for leaders and as challenging as communication can be, the new cultural landscape of businesses is making it even more challenging. The new…
Leaders Need to Use Social Media
Communication is a skill of great importance for leaders and as challenging as communication can be, the new cultural landscape of businesses is making it even more challenging. The new…