Navigating Culture Change In Mergers and Acquisitions
Growing Trend of Mergers and Acquisitions The global market of business is a constantly changing landscape with new challenges arising all the time. As markets change and develop, some grow…
Culture Change by the Apostle Paul
The Apostle Paul was a dynamic leader as a founder of Christianity and the church of Jesus Christ. As a Jew, Paul was keenly aware of the culture of the…
Necessary Global Leadership Skills
In recent years it has become clear leaders must begin to think from a global mindset in order to maintain effectiveness. The global village is becoming smaller all the time,…
Elements to Consider When Replacing Founding Leader
Succession planning is a very difficult endeavor for any leader. Many avoid succession planning because it threatens their influence and security, causing some to ignore it altogether. (de Vries, 1988,…
Leaders Determine Organizational Structure and Design
Each organization is a reflection of the senior leader. Regardless of leadership style, temperament, or business model, over enough time senior leaders develop the organizational structure and design followers exist…
Senior Leaders Must Engage Culturally
A cultural consultant has a daunting task each time hired by an organization. The first thirty days of analysis can be instrumental for gaining a clear picture of an organization’s…
5 Keys to Effective Mentorship
Mentorship is a vital part of any organization, as well as any developing leader. God’s word makes it clear that mentorship is an effective model of leadership development and succession…
True Virtues are Those Incarnated
Leonard Sweet makes an interesting observation regarding virtues by saying “Every virtue-whether cardinal (prudence, courage, justice, temperance) or theological (faith, hope, love)-is an abstraction unless it is first an incarnation”.…
Why Organizational Mergers Fail
A great observation is the opportunity to validate all cultural assumptions found in a cultural analysis, rather than declaring which are right and wrong. Making such declarations will more often…
Diagnosing Cultural Misalignment
An organizational culture with a conflict in artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions indicates an organization with an identity crisis. This could indicate a leader out of touch with…