Worship God Creatively
As the thief on the cross is nearing the end of his life, his gaze falls upon the one they call Christ, and he utters these words, “Jesus, remember me…
Renew the Mind
My personal experience in guiding individuals through spiritual growth reveals a common disconnect between the development of one’s mind with spiritual disciplines, heart attitudes, and overall behavior. For some, it…
Making Leadership Development Accessible
Too often the conversation about leadership development is wrapped in the context of Western ideals and practices, creating a narrow view of leadership development excluding those in the broader global…
Discipleship Outside the Church
Discipleship is a powerful mechanism for developing individuals, and has been a cornerstone for the church and growth for thousands of Christ followers over the centuries. Despite discipleship being a…
Servant Leadership for Innovation
Transformational leadership may be positioned as a strategic advantage in the area of innovation. However, it is not the only leadership style that may provide a strategic advantage to organizational…
Transformational Leaders Motivate Innovation
Organizational innovation is tied to organizational success and sustainability (Davila et al., 2012). Transformational leadership is directly related to performance, organizational commitment, innovation, and employee empowerment (Northouse, 2012). The mistake…
Is Leadership Internal or External?
In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus instructs his disciples to make disciples by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all he…
Use Discomfort to Increase Innovation
Many organizational leaders desire change, innovation, and cutting-edge ideas to drive their organization, however, innovation antibodies hold things back and often kill ideas before they have a chance to breathe…
Innovation Urgency
Innovation is the key to survival. Regardless of what sort of organization you are a part of or lead, the key to long-term success is innovation. Innovation is the intentional…
Coaching for Discipleship and Leadership Development
For leadership development and discipleship, coaching may be the missing tool for ministry leaders. Leadership development is the expansion of a person’s capacity to be effective in leadership roles and…