Authentic leadership stands out among leadership styles.
Leadership is a field of study that has been researched for a little more than a hundred years. Throughout the years, various definitions have been formed.
In recent years, a new area of leadership has emerged and remains in the formative stages of study. Yet, this is despite evidence of authentic leadership being shown in existence for thousands of years.
Authentic leadership may be new in the fields of research, but its practice has a long history. Evidence of it dates as far back as the first century.
It is the leadership exercised and displayed by Jesus Christ which set the groundwork for the establishment of his church.
Jesus the Authentic Leader
Throughout Jesus’ ministry, he exemplified leadership making it clear he was the “superlative, only perfect leader in all of human history.”
So, the study of leadership would be incomplete without a look at how Jesus led using the authentic leadership model.
Jesus knew his disciples would carry on after him and establish the church that would reach the world (Matt. 28:18-20).
So, he modeled for them how to live in relationship with God the Father. This is foundational for authentic leadership.
Jesus also sought out individuals and met them on a one-on-one level. With his disciples such as Peter and John (John 21), the Samaritan woman (John 4), and the men on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24) Jesus met them where they were.
He was very personal, valuing and relating to each of them, which is also a strength of authentic leadership.
A final way Jesus displayed authentic leadership was his empowerment of his disciples.
He shows this when he sent them out to “proclaim the Kingdom of God”. (Luke 9:1-6)